H2-Sensor for GC-MS / GC


All the benefits of laboratory hydrogen generation as a carrier gas... Safely!

To ensure that your system is safe, IATT offer an H2 sensor. This sensor can be connected directly to the hydrogen generator.

The ability to safely detect hydrogen leaks in the GC oven is critical to any laboratory using hydrogen as a carrier gas. The H2 Sensor ensures the safe use of hydrogen in GC analysis. It does this by constantly monitoring the H2 concentrations in the GC oven and automatically switching to an inert gas supply when typically 25% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) is reached - this important feature eliminates the risks and at the same time ensures safety.

H2 Sensor Operation

The H2 Sensor continuously monitors the atmosphere in the GC oven and transmits the data to the hydrogen generator. When the hydrogen concentration detected exceeds the threshold of safety, the hydrogen generator will be automatically shut down with an audible and visual alarm being given. The oven is immediately shut off and the cooling flap opens.

The Benefits of Using an H2 Sensor

Eliminate the risks in using Hydrogen as a Carrier Gas in GC Analysis.
  • Hydrogen has long been considered as the best carrier gas for gas chromatography. In many cases hydrogen has become the carrier gas of choice since it results in fast analysis, high efficiency, reduced costs and prolonged column life.
Fast analysis
  • The diffusion rate of hydrogen and helium are roughly the same (both 3-4 times faster than nitrogen), but hydrogen is half as viscous as helium and therefore the linear gas velocity is higher and retention times are shorter in isothermal analysis.
High Efficiency
  • Hydrogen has the flattest Van Deemter curve. Compared to helium and nitrogen, hydrogen needs the lowest plate number to achieve the same resolution over a large range of linear velocity.
Prolonged Column Life
  • For some applications, a temperature program can be used to speed up the analysis when using helium as a carrier gas, but this may result in a shorter lifetime of the column due to higher temperatures.
Reduced Costs
  • Helium, a rival to Hydrogen has its advantages as a carrier gas for GC; but it also has key disadvantages which are cost and availability. A tank of GC quality hydrogen is approximately 3 times less expensive than its helium equivalent. The price disparity between the two will not improve as the existing helium reserves are drying up and the demand is increasing across different industries. The use of a hydrogen generator also provides long term cost savings. A hydrogen generator allows for the production of the gas on an as needed basis; which avoids the costs associated with storing gas.
The advantages of hydrogen are clear; but it does have one really big disadvantage!
  • Hydrogen is an explosive gas! An undetected gas leak can occur with a broken column or a leaking connection. The danger is that an undetected gas leak could result in an explosion in the GC oven potentially placing laboratories and their personnel at risk.
  • Laboratories should always comply with government health and safety regulations and ASHRAE standards.
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Independent Air Treatment Technology Ltd.

Saltmeadows Trade Park, Neilson Road, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE10 0EQ t. 0191 477 0060 | e. info@iatt.co.uk | 2016